S&P 500 Earnings: Q1 ’22 Earnings Are Fine; It's All About The Fed Meeting

 | May 02, 2022 12:19AM ET

  • S&P 500 YTD decline: -12.99%
  • Barclay’s Agg YTD decline: -9.43%
  • 60/40 portfolio YTD decline: -11.57%
  • At the FOMC meeting this Wednesday, May 4, the only debate seems to be whether it’s “50 bps and a heavy dose of QT” or just 50 bps, and then you’d have to wonder whether Jay Powell keeps his foot on the hawkish brake by talking tough after the meeting or, if he sounds a little more conciliatory.

    With the 2-year Treasury yield at 2.70% as of Friday’s close, and 1-year Treasury at 2.10%, the short end of the Treasury yield curve has already incorporated a lot of tightening by the FOMC.

    Although I hate to quote the fat man, several weeks ago Josh Brown made the exact right point that the more Powell and Bullard and the Fed can accomplish with “jawboning,” or as my old Money & Banking text used to call it, “moral suasion,” the less “open market operations” might eventually be required.

    My own opinion is that the “inflation” story is completely distorted by the financial media. CNBC has become the financial equivalent of “The View” and most of that crew wouldn’t know the difference between a fixed-weight inflation index, or a deflator.