Small-Cap Volatility Expectations Hit All-Time Lows: IWM

 | Sep 19, 2017 11:57AM ET

From Dana Lyons: Small-Cap volatility expectations just smashed their previous record lows.

We’ve written a fair amount lately on various themes related to volatility expectations in the stock market. Many of these posts focused on the behavior of volatility expectations relative to their underlying stock indices, including one last week on the “stand-off” between the Russell 2000 Small-Cap Index and the RUT Volatility Index. Today, we look simply at the level of the RVX itself. Why is that alone worthy of a post? Because the Russell 2000 Volatility Index just dropped to the lowest level in its history – by a long shot.

Specifically, the RVX closed last Friday at 11.83. That was 6.5% below its previous low close (12.65) from last Wednesday. Furthermore, prior to June, there had been exactly 1 close ever below 14 (3/14/2013) – that’s nearly 20% higher than Friday’s new record low.