Sentiment Speaks: Can We Get To 5500SPX In 2022? But 4440SPX Comes First

 | Nov 23, 2021 01:19AM ET

I have been writing now for over a decade. And, during that time, I certainly have had my share of critics. I have been told that I do not understand the markets I track. I have been called names like "insane," "dimwit," "charlatan," and "snake oil salesman." And, I have been told that my "squiggly line" analysis cannot foretell anything, is "absurd," "chart magic," and "highly unmeaningful."

And, these are just some of the comments I received over the last 20 months alone, as you can see for yourself:

Are You As Foolish As Most Market Participants?

So, it has certainly been an interesting past 20 months, in addition to the last decade. Yet, we have caught just about all the major turns in the markets we track during the last decade.

Interestingly, someone recently pointed out to me that a sub-culture has developed within the comments section of my articles. It seems that there is about a dozen people who despise my work, and "like" every negative comment that is posted on my articles each week. While they remain generally silent when my analysis is on the money, they still display their dislike of my articles in a very passive aggressive manner.

But, I simply wonder why they come back to my articles week after week if they perceive me as being such a poor analyst. Yet, when they believe that I have missed a market call, they then become loud and boisterous. Interestingly, we have not heard from them very often, as our analysis has been extremely accurate for years. (smile)

But, I think it simply suggests that people dislike that which they cannot understand.