Sellers Pay A Visit, Pushing Markets Back Into Prior Ranges

 | Jan 07, 2022 01:23AM ET

One step forward, two steps back. The only consolation to yesterday was that trading volume was down on Thursday's. The NASDAQ is holding circa 14,900 support while the S&P 500 was able to find buyers around its 50-day MA - but not before it undercut breakout support. Meanwhile, the Russell 2000 didn't make it past neckline resistance. 

Despite the loss of breakout support the S&P has two chances to recover the losses; the first is where the index finished today - at its 50-day MA, the second is channel support - currently around 4,650.  We do have 'sell' triggers in the MACD and On-Balance-Volume, but momentum remains on the bullish side of the midline.