Seaworld Flops Its Most Important Quarter Of The Year

 | Nov 13, 2014 12:46AM ET

SeaWorld (NYSE:SEAS) stock fell by more than 9% Wednesday after the company announced reduced park traffic, falling revenue, and dwindling profits in its critical summer quarter.

Since the release of the anti-SeaWorld documentary, Blackfish, the parks have been in trouble. Blackfish tells the story of Tilikum, an orca captured two years after birth which has now been linked to the deaths of 3 humans inside SeaWorld parks.

Even though Tilikum has now allegedly killed 3 people, the documentary focuses on the conditions of his captivity rather than painting him as a brute. Orcas are among the most social and intelligent species on Earth, yet Tilikum, a 12,000 pound killer whale, is kept in an oversized swimming pool.

Keeping orcas in captivity has been linked to disease, shortened life span, dorsal fin collapse, early pregnancy and reduced survival rate for calves, and occasional tragic attacks on humans. Confining an animal that large to a tank is like keeping a person in a cage. It’s no surprise that SeaWorld’s orcas have health issues, and Blackfish got the message out about these creatures’ frustration to the general public. The outrage that the documentary stirred up is now started to impact SeaWorld on several key levels.

The first performance indicator which is suffering is park traffic. Attendance in the summer quarter fell from 8.9 million last year to 8.4 million this year, a 5.6% drop. The third quarter of the year is SeaWorld’s most profitable season, but it’s impossible to make money if guests aren’t spinning the turnstiles.