Red Hot Sterling Smothers EUR

 | Apr 08, 2014 07:13AM ET

It was bound to happen, especially when it would not go down. Forex speculators short the 18-member single currency on ECB hype are now paying the penalty of Draghi and company's "on-hold" decision last week. The EUR has strongly rebounded from its 100-DMA just below the psychological $1.3700 print post ECB rate announcement last Thursday. Aiding the currency in its flight are the Euro-zone bond yields edging higher after regional policymakers again stressed that that any move to print money (QE) to raise ultra-low inflation was still a long way off. A solid move this morning above $1.3755 should provide more ammo for the techies and their bullish signal, potentially opening up the topside to a new handle ($1.3820 and above).