QE Infinity: Apple, Bonds, Dollar, Gold, Google, Oil, Real Estate...

 | Oct 15, 2012 03:49AM ET

Google Soars! Bonds, Gold, Silver Up. Dollar Rallies. Stocks Sink. Oil and Apple Plunge!

Relax and enjoy the ride. Kamikaze Ben (Bernanke) is your pilot on this epic American journey. September 13, 2012 was the American Day of Infamy and the death knell of the American Dream. The Federal Reserve announced indefinite quantitative easing, QEternity, plus a zero-interest rate environment extended through mid-2015. Granny’s savings account is toast as the Federal Reserve buys up mortgages and drives down interest rates.

Quantitative easing is an addictive drug. Is the current injection enough? No, it doesn’t appear that it is. Already there is talk of more QE. Would this be QE Infinity 2.0? How long can this addiction continue? The answer is as long as the U.S. Dollar is the world’s reserve currency -or- the Great American Sovereign Debt Default occurs. As long as the Federal Reserve keeps interest rates down, the Ponzi scheme can continue.

An economic globalization, approved by the USA 2-party political dictatorship and funded by the Wall Street Banksters, precludes a sound internal USA economic policy and structure. Yet we continue voting for the same empty promises offered by both the Republicans and Democrats over and over as if this next time will be different. Folks, this is Coke versus Pepsi – changeless change. The overall agenda does not change and the song remains the same. Albert Einstein called this insanity: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

QE Infinity Performance To-Date
Bonds +1.61%, Gold +1.27%, Silver +0.75%, Bonds +0.56%, Homebuilders +0.26%, Dollar +0.05%, Real Estate -0.36%, Stocks -0.55%