Q3:2014 US GDP Nowcast: +2.2% 22 September 2014

 | Sep 22, 2014 06:50AM ET

US economic growth will decelerate in the third quarter, according to The Capital Spectator’s median econometric nowcast. Today’s revised GDP estimate anticipates an increase of 2.2% (real seasonally adjusted rate) for the July-through-September period—down sharply from the 4.2% pace in the previous quarter, according to the survey of economists this month, for example, projects a 3.0% gain for the official third-quarter GDP report, which BEA will publish on October 30 in its “advance” estimate.

The one thing that unites most predictions from economists for third-quarter growth at the moment is the assumption that next month’s Q3 numbers from the government will reflect a substantial round of downshifting vs. the previous quarter. Managing expectations down is also the message from corporate America’s chief executive officers (CEOs), according to a survey published last week by the Business Roundtable. “While some US economic indicators are improving moderately, the results from our survey of CEOs seem to reflect an underperforming U.S. economy held back by policy uncertainty and growing conflicts around the world,” says Randall Stephenson, chairman of Business Roundtable and CEO of AT&T.

Meantime, the chasm between Q2 and Q3 is set to widen further when the BEA releases its third estimate of GDP growth for the April-through-June period later this week. BEA’s revised numbers for Q2—scheduled for release on September 26—are expected to reveal even stronger growth for the previous quarter–4.6% vs. the current 4.2% estimate, according to the consensus forecast via Briefing.com.

As for the third quarter’s outlook, here’s a graphical review of how The Capital Spectator’s updated Q3 nowcast compares with recent history and forecasts from other sources: