Pure Rubbish? What The Buffett Indicator Is Predicting

 | Aug 28, 2017 10:36AM ET

Every so often an article is produced that is so misleading that it must be addressed. The latest is from Sol Palha via the Huffington Post entitled: Buffett Indicator Is Predicting A Stock Market Crash: Pure Nonsense. Sol jumps right in with both feet stating:

Insanity equates to doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a new outcome. These predictions have been off the mark for almost 10 years. One would think that would be enough for the experts to re-examine the situation, but instead, they use the same lines they used 10 years ago. One day they will get it right, as even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

Sol should be careful of throwing stones in glass houses. While we are indeed currently in a very bullish trend of the market, there are two halves of every market cycle.