Economic Predictions: 3 Things That Will Not Happen In 2017

 | Jan 04, 2017 11:47PM ET

Media personalities love to play the prediction game, particularly in January. Where will the S&P 500 wind up at year’s end? What will happen to interest rates? And after Mariah Carey’s infamous New Year’s Eve non-performance, which celebrity will have the next public meltdown?

I enjoy the prognostication pastime as much as any individual. It helps to clarify what matters to me as an investor (as well as what doesn’t). In particular, no matter what happens to the world at large, never allow a big loss to devastate the value of your investment accounts.

For this go-around, rather than predict what will transpire over the next 12 months, I am serving up a twist. Here are three things that WILL NOT occur in 2017:

1. Uncommonly Steep Stock Valuations Continue To Rise Unabated In 2017

Voices in the mainstream may tell you to maintain your bullish optimism. They may tell you that the economy is healthy and that stock assets are reasonably priced.

In truth, however, the price an investor pays for the privilege of S&P 500 stock ownership has rarely been as unreasonable as it is right now. Consider Forward P/Es (price-to-earnings ratios). “Guestimates” of corporate earnings 12 months out are not only wildly optimistic, but they are also contributing to valuation levels not seen since the dot-com disaster (3/00-9/02).