Precious Metals Stay On Ground As Trump Fires Stimulus Rockets

 | Mar 18, 2020 06:27AM ET

We live in the strangest of times where a 24 hour period can feel like 24 days. 

Just yesterday, I wrote that I wasn’t sure if Donald Trump’s acknowledgement of a potential recession from the coronavirus would help gold as a safe haven, since two U.S. rate cuts within two weeks haven’t done anything for the yellow metal. 

But the events of the past 24 hours make me wonder if I have to recant that view.

That’s because on Tuesday, the President of the United States fired a flurry of economic stimulus rockets at the pandemic. The biggest of these carried a $1 trillion capital-infusing warhead, designed to take out the economic decapitating forces of the scourge before it claims more American businesses and jobs.

Brief Pop, Before Return To Red/h2

Responding to Trump’s stimulus, precious metals from gold to silver and palladium opened up in Wednesday’s Asian trading, joined by base metals from copper to aluminum, in what appeared to be their broadest rally in a week. But after a brief pop, the metals fell back into a sea of red by late afternoon in Singapore.