Pondering Investment Themes After The Russian Invasion

 | Mar 21, 2022 01:20AM ET

So much for returning to normal. I had hoped that easing COVID restrictions would supercharge economic growth this year. Many affected industries and markets were rebuilding and reopening to a backlog of robust demand.

Sure, markets had issues to grapple with: inflation, changing central bank policies, and the return of volatility. However, these were relatively common risks for professional investors. Then, Russia invaded Ukraine and all prospects for normalcy ended. The war unleashed a fresh round of market shocks. With so many asset prices in motion, opportunities and pitfalls will surely present themselves.

There is a lot going on in the investment markets. For me though, four questions loom large. The first is if U.S. dollar assets, in general, might benefit from a flight to quality. The second is how rate markets, including the Federal Reserve (Fed), might behave. Third, I’m wondering how China might react to the West’s response to the Russian-Ukrainian war (RU war). The last—and worse development I’m considering—is an escalation to a World War III (WW III) scenario.

h2 A flight to the safety of U.S. dollar assets?/h2

In spite of our problems, U.S. dollar (USD) assets remain a safe haven trade. (Relatively) free markets, a respect for property rights and the rule of law, and deep capital pools underpin the sentiment. Yes, the U.S. rates worse now on liberty than before (we pathetically slipped to 25th in freezing innocent citizens’ bank accounts (yet).