Plunger’s Big Trade & GDXJ update

 | May 07, 2017 12:32AM ET


One can see from Rambus’ below charts that it appears the PM stocks are still early on in the decline process. I would agree, but of course stocks don’t move in a straight uninterrupted line. Therefore I would suggest we are due for a bit of an upward retracement soon. I claim this on the following basis: RSI is now significantly oversold and is now putting in a positive divergence (note red line). Also stochastics are extended to full range and appear to be in the first stage of turning up. We have reached its measured move as depicted. Also its reached the boundary of its Bollinger Band, (altough not outside of it). As a result I covered my short today and actually went long JNUG and some selective shares. I am looking for no more than a bounce up. It may look like a BT to the red bear flags Rambus has drawn in the below charts. I am not advocating others do the same just discussing trading opportunities.