Platinum Struggles As Gold Rout Grips Market

 | Aug 02, 2018 02:29AM ET

If gold is on the ropes, to use a boxing analogy, then platinum is looking like it’s on the canvas—and unlikely to get up soon.

Grouped together with bullion and silver as precious metals, platinum has over the years become known more for its industrial uses than as a jewelry-making component or a store of value. Platinum and its sister metal palladium are the only known metals for purifying diesel and gasoline engine emissions, respectively. Yet, the two Platinum Group Metals are down 12% or more this year. Gold, comparatively, is off just 7% while silver has tumbled 10%.

Once pricier than gold, platinum’s fortunes have plummeted as sales of diesel cars in Europe slowed after Volkswagen (DE:VOWG_p)’s emissions cheating scandal in 2015, and have deteriorated further with the shift toward electric vehicles . The metal’s stockpiles have, meanwhile, been growing. Catalytic converter maker Johnson Matthey (LON:JMAT), closely tracked by PGM investors and auto companies for its prescient forecasts, expects platinum supply to be in a surplus of 316,000 ounces by end of 2018 as demand for diesel catalysts drop by 3%.

Gold’s Woes Add To Platinum And Palladium's Pains