PCE Price Index: Headline And Core Remain Disappointingly Below Target

 | Jun 02, 2015 12:24AM ET

The Personal Income and Outlays report for April was published this morning by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

The latest Headline PCE price index year-over-year (YoY) rate is 0.12%, down from 0.30% the previous month. The latest Core PCE index (less Food and Energy) at 1.24% is a slight decline from the previous month's 1.32% YoY.

The general disinflationary trend in core PCE (the blue line in the charts below) must be perplexing to the Fed. After years of ZIRP and waves of QE, this closely watched indicator consistently moved in the wrong direction. In April of 2013, the Core PCE dropped below 1.4% and hovered in a narrow YoY range of 1.23% to 1.35% for twelve months. The subsequent months saw a higher plateau approaching 1.5%, but the most recent months are closer to the lower range.