Default Or Deal? Here Are Greece's Odds

 | Jun 04, 2015 12:06AM ET

I won't write much about the latest details on Greece, as events are moving fast and any updates I have will be out of date within hours. Needless to say, we are down to the wire again as the Greeks have threatened to withhold their payment due to the IMF this Friday should there be no deal.

So will we have a deal (Ode to a Grecian Deal), or will the Greeks metaphorically take to the Acropolis for a last stand as the Athenians planned to do had their army had lost to the Persians at the Battle of Marathon (Acropolis Now!)?

Here are a couple ways to handicap the outcome. The chart below of the Athens General Index shows the index to be in a downtrend (solid line), but it has rallied out of a minor downtrend (dotted line). Moreover, the inability of the index to fall further on bad news and actually try to bottom has to be regarded as good news.

In other words, the stock market believes that we will see an eleventh hour deal.