Not The Mountains, I’m Dreaming Of The Islands

 | Aug 27, 2015 08:08AM ET

The annual Jackson Hole monetary summit starts today. Many months ago it was thought it would be a bust at Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen had stated she would not be attending. That was a clear break from her predecessor Ben Bernanke who used the event to talk more deeply about his views on policy. But along came Stanley Fisher as the new vice Chairman and things got interesting again.

So many market participants will be looking to the mountains of Jackson Hole for pearls of wisdom and knowledge bombs. My thought about the conference is if you think Stanley Fisher is going to stand up and tell you the date and magnitude of the of the next FOMC move then maybe you have been up in the mountains, without enough oxygen, for too long.

I on the other hand will be dreaming of the islands. A warm, fun, festive place as the summer weeks wind down. No,, I am not abandoning the market while it is in ‘turmoil’. I’m just looking at the price action. And as we come into Thursday the market is setting up for a possible Island Reversal in the S&P 500.