Need Some Investing Ideas For 2017?

 | Jan 04, 2017 02:49AM ET

So much for the Santa Claus rally. The red sled never even left the garage. Why were the last two weeks of 2016 a dud?

1) Worries about potential roadblocks for the incoming Administration

2) Trade war worries hitting retail importers and international manufacturers

3) The ongoing strength in the U.S. dollar and its likely appearance in Q4 earnings conversations

4) Year/quarter-end tactical rebalancing as assets shift from outperforming equities to underperforming bonds.

But what a year it was. It looked like Emerging Market stocks and bonds were going to take all the performance chips for the year with Domestic bonds being a safe place to hide given the lack of growth and inflation in the world. But then the U.S. election occurred and the market was flipped entirely upside down.

With 2016 now in the rear-view mirror, we can focus on where to be best positioned for 2017. As I do not run a diversified portfolio, I only want to own assets that I think are going to outperform and generate positive absolute returns. Until the election, the last two years have left little in the way of positive trends to pick through. But this year looks much different. The surprising election swing has caused a change in investing sentiment not seen since the bursting of the Tech, Telecom and Media bubble in 2000. Asset classes, equity sectors and individual stocks have become completely unhinged. This is a major positive for active equity investors—giving them an opportunity to put up significant outperformance if they get their investment allocations correct.

As my models and research tools dig into the data, I see a few areas of the financial markets that I want to be very overweight. There are other areas that have potential, but that I am waiting for more information and less risk. Then there are areas that I do not want to be anywhere near or that I would prefer to be short. With the rapidly changing political and fiscal policy environment, much is riding on the outcomes in Washington D.C. to determine the large macro impacts on the U.S. dollar, interest rates, commodity prices and corporate earnings. Between Congressional action and Presidential tweeting, the markets will be on edge. The top overweight themes that I am looking at for 2017 are U.S. based equities focused in the Financial and Energy sectors, as well as Small Caps. Before we get to the ideas, let’s look at some data.

First off, the market completed its 8th straight annual gain for not only the S&P 500, but also the Dow Industrials and Nasdaq 100…

One streak that did end was the Nasdaq 100’s seven-year dominance over the S&P 500. Time for some Value stock leadership?