Natural Gas: When Best-Laid Plans for Production Culling Go Awry

 | Sep 21, 2023 03:59AM ET

  • Stalled maintenance on NGPL pipeline snaps 2-day gas rally
  • Trade expects production to swell now to above 100 bcf/d, aided by benign weather
  • Despite output spike and weather outlook, gas storage was seen below the norm last week
  • Scottish poet and lyricist Robert Burns wrote in 1785 that ”the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. Those in the natural gas market would have seen the wisdom in that this week after their hopes of witnessing production crumble from seasonal maintenance were dashed by changes in weather and a pipeline operator’s schedule.

    A two-day rally in gas futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange’s Henry Hub snapped on Wednesday after market participants learned that Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, or NGPL as its initials stand, had delayed maintenance previously planned for the fall.