My 10 Best Charts Of 2021

 | Dec 22, 2021 12:25AM ET

As we wind-down for the year (hopefully), I thought it would be good to share some of my charts and calls that worked particularly well this year (and don't worry, I will be sharing my worst charts next week...there are always two sides to the coin!!).

These charts were featured in my just-released —do check it out when you get a chance (free download as a holiday treat!).

The charts listed below were particularly helpful in arriving at some of my key calls and recommendations for clients this past year. I often find that while I do tell the story around the charts and build the puzzle up with multiple pieces, in many cases a good chart can speak for itself and actually do most of the heavy lifting in the investment thesis.

It's also a good exercise to go through—to see what worked well. It's fairly conventional wisdom to try and learn from failures, but it's also important to try and learn from success (albeit while being mindful of hubris and the need to stay humble).

With that all said, here they are! Hope you find it interesting...

n.b. I have updated the charts with the latest data (in a few cases the original idea has actually come entirely full-circle). Also on formatting: the italic text is a quote from the report in which the chart originally appeared.

1. Global Monetary Policy Pivot/h2

I was early to this theme, but that’s what this excellent chart is designed to do! (i.e., provide advance warning on shifts in global policy tides).

“already a number of smaller/developing country central banks have moved to hike rates as inflation begins to pickup (5 so far: Mozambique, Tajikistan, Armenia, Zambia, Zimbabwe). I like to keep an eye on the smaller/developing central banks: many have structural weaknesses and tend to be more sensitive to inflation and hence will be the first to move on rates. In other words, while individually unimportant and idiosyncratic, collectively they have information.” (19 Feb 2021)