Like Roulette? You'll Love Binary Options Trading.

 | Sep 03, 2013 01:49AM ET

In the world of trading and investing, the terms 'gamble, gambling or betting' is actually offensive. There's a big difference between analyzing, and being able to explain why a certain equity will trade up or down according to your analysis, than simply betting 'up or down' without doing any proper research beforehand. Chances are that you'll lose money fast! That's the reason why usually gamblers, yes even the 'professional' ones, are out of money very soon and most consistent traders are able to sustain a decent income.

If you like roulette, you probably like binary options trading - same thing. You bet either on 'red' (up) or 'black' (down, forget about the zero), spin the wheel that spins for fifteen or thirty minutes (whenever the option contract expires, sometimes even 60 seconds!) and you instantly win or lose - cool isn't it? All that without the cigar smoke from the guy standing next to you in a casino. I pretty much briefly explained the concept of binary options trading just now, you place your bet: either 'up' (call) or 'down' (put) on a certain underlying asset like a stock, commodity, forex or etf - wait patiently for thirty minutes, because that's may be how long it takes for the big and mighty binary options trading spinner to stop (every binary option broker has its own rules about expiry and no, you can't exit sooner) and you either win or lose - simple as that! It doesn't matter if your underlying security spiked up or down during that time frame, what matters is where the price is at the end, when the option expires.