Is The World Coming To An End?

 | Dec 29, 2017 07:15AM ET

We live in an interesting time. Every day we wake up with the news about either world indices making all-time records or bad news about terrorist attacks and nuclear tests. Historically, humans have gone through these stages and we were able to withstand all these events. At, we try to ignore all these events because, at the end, we believe in the Market Nature or code.

The Market is not ready for a crash and we have been saying that for a while. SPX had a chance for a major correction when it reached the 100% extension at the 2234.00 area, but the index hasn’t done anything and keeps going higher. We believe that the market works as a whole and that looking only at the SPX or an another index is not enough. For the last 6 years, many Elliott wave Theory participants have been calling for a 50% crash and the crash has never happened.

We have been able to stay bullish during this period as we use other tools in our forecast including correlation and also sequences. However, we do understand that nothing runs in a straight line in trading and one day we will get an all-time correction in world indices. Based on our time and sequence study, we are looking at the 2020-2022 period for the period when we could get major problems in the world and this will be used to justify the all-time world indices correction.

Many followers may ask why we believe at year 2020-2022 as the period for a major correction. At, we follow a system that includes Elliott wave Theory, cycles, sequences, time, distribution, correlations and Fibonacci. We do not use fundamentals or sentiment, because it provides us neither an actionable trade nor ways to manage the risk.

After providing members with over 7000 charts every month, we discover that the majority of news or events occur when the market reaches extremes areas, which in our charts is represented by the blue box. The market follows sequences, cycles and always has a target in each sequence and cycle. Indices are within the Grand Super cycle and only SPX and the Dow have reached the target, which is the 100% extension from the all-time low related to 2009. See the chart below.