Is New Zealand Facing A Recession In The Near Term?

 | Nov 22, 2017 12:14AM ET

Key Points:

  • Forbes’s article claims New Zealand Facing a Recession in the coming year
  • Labour Government pitched as the prime driver of a recessionary cycle
  • Reality suggests it will take a global shock, not political policy, to induce a recession

The past few days have seen a range of media outlets repeating claims from Forbes opinion piece that suggested that New Zealand could be facing a recession under Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Party. Now as easy as it is to point the finger of discontent at the new incumbents the truth, as always, lays somewhere in between.

The thing is that most economists have been wondering when the next global down turn will appear for the past few years. The lack of inflation, along with any recessionary pressures, has been the subject of plenty of navel gazing from those of us within the profession. So given that economies typically run on cycles it isn’t out of the question that we could see a recession in New Zealand over the next few years.