Is Market Risk About To Peak? More Tales From The Darkside

 | Aug 19, 2015 04:33AM ET

As traders, we always have to keep one eye open for the potential of fraudulent activity, while the other is firmly focused on Market Risk, the “Mother” of all risk issues. Experts have been predicting the end to our current secular Bull market for years, but the hype has been escalating over the past several months. Fear does sell newsprint or Internet page views, but the consensus expects the precursor of any cratering in global bond and stock values to be violent swings in volatility in the foreign exchange market.

Perhaps, the desire to cry wolf is human nature, something that never leaves us from our childhood days, but analysts are digging deep to find a dead canary in the forex coal mine. Are global bond and stock markets reaching a peak or precipice, if you like? The track record of these prognosticators of gloom and doom has not been good. They have hailed the end of this Bull market in 2012, 2013, 2014, and now, just to hedge their bets, they are sure that 2016 will be filled with dark days for sure.

What should we do? Caution is called for, but not panic in the streets, just yet. Yes, central bankers are worried that $11 trillion of cover-trade over hang could suddenly unravel and cause a liquidity crunch of monstrous proportions, but only time will tell on that one. As for right now, the “Award for the Best Chart” this week goes to Kirk Bostrum, a hedge fund manager that is more than edgy at the moment. Here is his chart: