Is It Time To Take Some Chips Off The Table?

 | Jul 11, 2013 12:52AM ET

The market giveth and the market taketh away.

The intelligent investor does not allow themselves to be swept along with the rabble of the street (Wall Street, that is) when the market clearly gets ahead of itself. Instead they begin to take some chips off the table. In so doing, they will look foolish for a short time. We have. Get used to it. Being on the unpopular side of a trade that’s getting long in the tooth most often means you’re avoiding a burgeoning fiasco.

The same is true on the other side of the equation, of course. When you hear formerly exuberant amateur traders bemoan the fact that they’ve lost everything and are never going to buy another stock again, start buying. The smart money is buying. They’ll be followed by the insiders, then the professionals and the bravest of individual investors, then the bulk of the buying public.

So how do you know when you are reaching the point when it’s wise to take something off the table? The best way is non-quantitative. When you think you, or your broker, is the smartest person in the room, it’s probably time for a wake-up call. But when you see charts like those below, that’s often a pretty good hint, as well. If a picture is worth a thousand words…