China's Regulators Are Too Late

 | Jul 13, 2015 08:52AM ET

In the last article "An indication of PPT failure", many readers wrote in and either asked what the various acronyms were or admonished me for using so many without explaining them. I will try in the future to assume the reader does not know what we're talking about and at least spell out any acronym used. As for the last article;"PPT" = plunge protection team,"ROW" = rest of world

Today, let's look at China and their recent efforts at preventing their equity markets from collapsing. First, it should be understood they are "too late". I can say this because their PE ratio even after the collapse of 25%-40% (with some stocks not even trading Friday), the Shanghai Exchange still trades at over 60 times earnings. In other words, at today's rate of earnings, it will take 60 years worth of earnings to equal what investors are willing to pay now. They have allowed and even fostered a bubble of epic proportions to form, no amount of effort can stop this bubble from collapsing.