How Will The U.S. Election Impact Markets?

 | Nov 02, 2016 11:58AM ET

The seemingly never-ending spectacle that is the US presidential election campaign is entering its final act. By the end of the night on November 8, either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will become the new president-elect of the world’s largest economy. While it seems like the media has dissected every aspect of the upcoming election, from email servers to hand sizes, comparatively little ink has been spilled about how election could affect global asset markets.

This special report seeks fill in those gaps. In the following sections, we provide an overview of the US election process and timeline; a look at a couple of the candidates’ most market-moving economic policies; and an examination of how markets have historically reacted under different political regimes, including actionable takeaways to use in your own trading.

h3 What Do Polls Say? /h3

Opinion polls have been volatile throughout the national campaigns, though Hillary Clinton has generally maintained a lead over her Republican rival. That said, last week's news that the FBI has reopened its investigation into Clinton's controversial email server has brought Donald Trump back within striking distance. According to poll aggregator Real Clear Politics, Clinton is currently polling at 47.2% nationally vs. 45.5% for Trump and the situation remains highly fluid: