How To Double Dip This Dip And Lock In Yields Up To 10.8%

 | Sep 30, 2020 05:04AM ET

Is it time to buy the dip?

Almost. And when we do, let’s not just “buy” an index fund (or worse, a lame ETF!) and “hope” that we timed it right. No, no, we contrarian income seekers can do better.

Let’s instead choose investments that cash flow. In a moment we’ll talk about one that yields 7.4%.

And let’s not buy them at mere “face value” either. Only the unsophisticated first-level types, as our man Howard Marks calls these marks, pay full price! We can, and should, demand discounts in addition to the pullback.

The major indices have officially “corrected” from their September highs (which is typically defined as a 10% decline). But we can do better—by taking a cue from my mom.

Mom never liked paying the sticker price. If there was a coupon somewhere to be found, she’d find it. But her real claim to shopping fame was not simply her coupon clipping. It was Mom’s ability to find— demand, really—the double discount.

“And then,” her shopping stories would often crescendo, “I got the manager out there, and told him he had to approve this coupon too. So I got another 10% off…”

If you didn’t have a “double discount” shopping win to share, you’d better not bring that weak story to Mom. She’d laugh you straight out of the room!

I can’t speak for all of us, but we mild-mannered income investors are mostly past our days of demanding discounts from store managers. It’s just not the same, yelling at someone from a distance, perhaps through a mask. But demanding a further discount from Mr. and Ms. Market is even easier than going to an actual store, and it doesn’t involve any “headache” strategy like selling put options, either.

We simply find:

  1. Find high-quality stock-focused closed-end funds (CEFs), and then we (here’s the important part),
  2. Get ready to buy them at a discount.

Some high-qualify CEFs today are selling for just 85% of their “fair value.” Buying them after the recent pullback is a purchase Mom would be proud of:

h2 Buying Discounted CEFs Now: The Double-Coupon Of Investing/h2