Here’s Why Investors Are Fed Up With Olive Garden

 | Sep 11, 2014 12:59AM ET

Casual dining restaurant chains have been struggling lately, and a few of them are resorting to bizarre marketing tactics to get attention. TGI Friday’s offered its diners all-you-can-eat appetizers for 10 bucks. Gawker’s Caity Weaver decided to put Friday’s up to the test by going on a 14 hour mozzarella stick binge. According to her account she didn’t enjoy her 7 plates of mozzarella sticks, but she also failed to find the restaurant guilty of false advertising.

The latest ridiculous casual dining sale comes from Olive Garden, a brand of Darden Restaurants Inc (NYSE:DRI). Instead of offering unlimited appetizers for a single seating, Olive Garden is thinking bigger. Olive Garden is promoting a 7 week pass for all the carbs you can jam into your stomach. For just $100, 1,000 lucky diners had the privilege of purchasing the “Never Ending Pasta Pass” which also includes bread sticks and Coca-Cola (KO) brand soft drinks. The passes sold out in 45 minutes flat on Monday. Over 50 of the passes appeared on eBay by Wednesday, fetching as much as $399 a piece.

“What we’re trying to do is get some attention,” Jay Spenchian, executive vice president of marketing admitted to USA Today. “It’s sure to provoke a reaction…”

If Olive Garden’s goal was to muster attention, mission accomplished. But the self deprecating promotion underscores one major problem universal to all of Darden’s restaurants, and they seem to be missing the point.