Gold Sobs Over Good Jobs

 | Aug 07, 2016 08:35AM ET

Well Squire, going by the repeated ad nauseam "Top of the Hour" radio news post-payrolls release yesterday (Friday), 'twas nuthin' but "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!", and apparently substantively so, the euphoric reporter giddily citing material gains in architectural design jobs, technology and engineering positions, managerial employment, all kinds of healthcare and hospital hirings, and hospitality postings. Wow, talk about an audio indoctrination: "All we hear is radio ga ga..."--(Queen, '84)

'Course with all due immediacy at the point of the payrolls release, for Gold 'twas nuthin' but "Sobs, Sobs, Sobs!" as price plopped pell-mell 19 points from 1366 to 1347 ... in four seconds. How much slippage did your stops suffer? I know, let's not go there; besides, 'tis all about the fun and frivolity of futures trading, right? "When you're smiling..."--(Louis Armstrong, '29)