Gold Prices Still Dependent On The US Dollar

 | Oct 24, 2013 03:17AM ET

We will begin by taking a look at some of the factors that usually drive investors into the arms of ‘safe haven’ gold and other precious metals.

We are all aware that the world is in a chaotic state at the moment with a number of friction points that could spark and get of hand at any time. The debt ceiling has been raised in the United States paving the way for more government spending. Bond buying programs remain in place and currency creation by a number of governments continues unabated as each nation attempts to boost exports by debasing their own currency. The production of gold from mining activities is slowing. The demand, especially from China appears to be in overdrive. On a seasonality basis the fall is usually a time when gold does very well, but that is not happening this year, at least not just yet.

The list of positive factors that support higher gold prices goes on and on, however, as the chart below shows, gold is now trading at around $1300/oz which is long way down from the heady days of $1900/oz, achieved in 2011.

The Gold Chart