Gold Dazed By Dogs Of August

 | Aug 25, 2014 12:43AM ET

And oh how biting were those dirty dogs! Dare we query "Who let the dogs out?"--(Baha Men, 2000). No 'twasn't those guys. But at 23:03 Pacific Time precisely on Wednesday night, (which conveniently pointed the Thursday finger at both Asia's pre-close and Europe's pre-open), some flea-bitten mongrel barked "Hey watch this!" and promptly sold 3,000 COMEX Gold contracts at the market causing an instantaneous cavalcade of hoovering underlying bids and stops.

Can we prove it was a one-off trade by a single entity? Of course not ... but it sure had that doggy-smell stench about it as Gold had 10 points bitten from its rump in two relentless seconds with nary a single "up" bar until having been slammed from 1285 down to 1275. Here's how it looked, each bar in the following volume chart representative of 100 contracts traded, (x 30 bars = 3,000 contracts) during the two-second timeframe encircled across the x-axis: