Gold Crash: Our Asset’s Bitter Fall From Glory. Are You Prepared?

 | Apr 19, 2015 02:53AM ET

Gold bugs are still waiting on the great hyperinflation that will cause the US Dollar to fold over and send gold soaring to the heavens to the tune of $5,000.

That might have looked remotely possible in 2011 when gold almost hit the $2,000 mark… but not now .

We’ve seen everything ARCA Gold BUGS could hope for: endless money printing, 0% interest rates (both short-term and long-term adjusted for inflation), rising debt and debt ratios in the public and private sectors…

So where’s the damn hyperinflation?

We’ve been saying it for years: It just ain’t gonna happen!

Why? Because we’re in a deflationary period, what we call the “economic winter season.” This comes after every great debt and financial asset bubble we’ve ever seen, driven by the kind of debt and leverage that has fueled our current bubble to such heights.

Money printing has kept deflation at bay for a number of years, but pretty soon that dam is going to break!

But I’ll give gold bugs this: They understand that you can’t get something for nothing better than even most economists. Some things may seem to be free, but you always pay for them later. There is no free lunch!

What gold bugs don’t get is that when such something-for-nothing policies fail, we will see deflation . Not inflation and certainly not hyperinflation.

Gold has already started to feel this painfully: