Gold's Big Fractal Fork In The Road Revisited

 | Mar 04, 2012 02:36AM ET

Back in 2010, I was following the fractal analysis of David Nichols on gold. He was a gold bull, but he was predicting the end of the gold bull market to occur around February of 2011. I was a gold bull too, so his prediction filled me with great consternation. I had been going over the past predictions of Nichols and knew that he was stunningly accurate most of the time, especially in the mid-range time frame of a few months or so. It made me wonder just what he was smoking. I studied the reasons why he was predicting the end of the gold bull in February - and found them to be very convincing.

I'm going to revisit what he was saying back then, and go over some additional fractal considerations I had found that gave me hope for the gold bull surviving past February a year ago. Allow me to excerpt two articles I wrote in 2010 "Gold Is At A Big Fractal Fork In The Road" .

From the first article on the Nichols fractals:Link

I don't know how familiar you may be with the emerging science of fractal market analysis, but there is an element of it that has a direct bearing on gold right now. To briefly overview fractals, they have found that stocks and indexes have a strong tendency to move in repeating chart patterns at various scales (self-similar, they call it). So a stock may consistently produce say a 2 year pattern which is also evident at a 2 month time frame. Sounds silly, I know. The theory is that there are well known fractal growth patterns in nature, crystals growing under a microscope and about any basic growth in nature; and these are abundant with self-similar, geometric, repeating patterns. They've known about these nature patterns for many decades, but only recently has anyone thought that financial markets may grow by these fractal patterns too. When they investigated, they found that the unchanging human nature did indeed infuse fractals into the trading charts. David Nichols, a pioneer in this investigation, finds that there is a 64 month parabolic fractal signature that seems to show up at about every major bull market. The duration varies a couple months or so, but the pattern is a "sprouting" of a parabola, a bullish change in previously sleepy trading, followed by parabolic growth into a violent top about 64 months later. As an example, he points to Toll Brothers as a proxy for the housing bubble (click to enlarge charts):