German Output, US Payrolls & Debt Ceiling

 | Feb 07, 2014 06:26AM ET

In Europe, Moody’s credit rating of Finland will be published after markets close. The current rating is AAA, with a stable outlook. After Netherlands lost its AAA in November and the European Union lots its in December, only Germany, Luxembourg and Finland still hold the coveted triple A. Finland’s ministry of finance blundered and announced on January 22 that Moody’s confirmed the AAA with stable outlook, which Moody’s immediately denied. It is possible that the outlook will be changed to negative, and while that would not have any notable impact on credit markets, it could create some media attention on how Finland’s position has deteriorated and Germany is in practice the sole AAA in the Eurozone. That could have political implications outside Finland, too, as the European Parliament elections and the third Greek bailout are right around the corner.

Germany December Industrial Production (11:00 GMT): After an unusually strong increase of 1.9 percent in November, the monthly increase is expected to be 0.4 percent in December. As the chart below shows, the monthly change is notoriously volatile, but remains on a steady growth path. December factory orders fell 0.5 percent from the previous month, but were up a respectable six percent from year ago, suggesting that the German industrial sector will be kept busy in the coming months. With inventory levels low, we will probably see real activity catching up to the sentiment survey indicators during the first half of the year.