Investment Lessons For The Next Cycle

 | Nov 16, 2016 07:43AM ET

I find stock market history fascinating.

Financial professionals seek a Holy Grail by matching current market behavior perfectly to years past. It’s 1937. No, it’s 1987. Frankly, current markets are comprised of multiple personalities of decades of market history. If you can maintain perspective and keep overconfidence at bay

Study of the past allows me to be less of a deer in the headlines through market cycles and provide clear, concise guidance to clients. It allows me to say confidently – “This time is NOT that different.” Sure, it feels different to you because you haven’t lived through a similar cycle – Investors before you have gone through this. Something like it.

Or worse.

We crave patterns. In everything. It makes us feel smarter. Finding (or creating) patterns creates a comforting illusion of control. I guess when humans were hunting for food, uncovering patterns was the way to find a food source (and avoid becoming a hearty meal). When investing, overconfidence in a perceived trend is a certain path to lost money.

What stands out throughout my detective work, is the predictability of our emotional behavior when facing investment decisions. The same mistakes are made, repeatedly.

Did you know that a majority of retail investors lost money during the greatest stock bull market in history? Seriously. How? Oh, by getting in to the markets late in the cycle – only to suffer great losses from the tech bubble in 2000.