Foundations: They’ve Taken A Blow From “Subdued” Markets

 | Sep 03, 2015 01:18AM ET

Both private and community foundations depend heavily on U.S. equities. Indeed, domestic equities remained the bright spot while other strategies underperformed in 2014. A new report from a collaboration of the Council on Foundations and Commonfund provides food for thought about the reversal in foundation returns in that year.

The Study of Foundations by this collaboration, known as the CCSF, is three years old. Its third annual report is now available, and 244 private and community foundations participated.

The participating private foundations (142) reported an average return of 6.1% for the 2014 fiscal year. What stands out is that this is down significantly from the 15.6% return reported the year before.

Informed Decisions

Meanwhile, the participating community foundations (102) reported an average return of 4.8%, also a large drop from last year’s number: 15.2%.

In a joint statement, Vikki Spruill, president and CEO of the Council on Foundations, and John S. Griswold, executive director of Commonfund Institute, said: “This research provides foundation leaders benchmarking to understand their own financial performance, and it will help them make informed decisions about both their investment and grantmaking strategies.”

They also said that “foundation leaders continue to invest in communities through steady mission-related grantmaking, even though their FY2014 returns were affected by subdued global equity markets.”

More Detailed Data

In both 2013 and 2014, the most productive part of the portfolio for foundations was, as above noted, domestic equity. This produced 10.4% for private foundations in 2014 and 9.8% for community foundations.

Alternative strategies didn’t do so well for foundations, producing 4.4% return for the private foundations last year and 3.7% for community foundations. The table below shows a more complete breakdown. (All numbers represent percentages.)