Forex Overview: Waiting For Action To Move The Dollar

 | Oct 29, 2013 06:59AM ET

There are no surprises. This week is getting off to a slow start, a trait that is threatening to shut the year out as both the Fed and BoJ are expected to deliver conservative messages later this week. US policy makers will be looking at damage control in the wake of the 16-day partial US government shutdown. Bernanke and company have been vocal along with staging some finger wagging at Capitol Hill indicating that their "house needs to be put in order" before sustainable economic progress can be attained.

The Fed is not in a position to change the rules of the game just yet. Governor Kuroda at the BoJ has not got an easier task. He continues to warn the masses against premature expectations of additional easing, just under a year into their own QE program. The crowed trade of being short the yen remains a frustrating investment.