Fed Tightening To Push EUR/USD FX Forwards Up Again

 | Feb 26, 2019 07:31AM ET

In our view, the decline in EUR/USD FX forwards over the past couple of months is temporary.

Two 25bp Fed hikes and a 40% tightening of USD liquidity are set to push EUR/USD FX forwards higher over the course of the year.

We look for the Fed to provide clarity about the outlook for its quantitative tightening programme (QT) at the upcoming March meeting, including preannouncing an end to QT in Q4 this year.

The 12M EUR/USD FX forwards are currently priced about 15bp too low to fully account for this scenario.

Hence, EUR- and DKK-based clients with USD assets and a hedging mandate may consider hedging further out the curve, i.e. 1Y.