Fed Hawks Circle Over Gold. Will It Become Their Prey?

 | Jan 12, 2022 12:07AM ET

The imminent interest rate hike by the Fed is almost certain. Are investors' concerns justified and will it mean trouble for the precious metals?

While the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ Composite recovered from sharp intraday losses on Jan. 10, investors’ mood swings signaled heightened anxiety. With the PMs whipsawing alongside the general stock market, more volatility should materialize in the weeks and months to come.

To explain, with the Fed on a hawkish warpath to fight rampant inflation, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon told CNBC on Jan. 10 that a resilient U.S. economy could prove problematic for the financial markets in 2022.

According to Dimon:

“The consumer balance sheet has never been in better shape; they’re spending 25% more today than pre-COVID. Their debt-service ratio is better than it’s been since we’ve been keeping records for 50 years.”

As for inflation and the Fed, he added:

“It’s possible that inflation is worse than they think and they raise rates more than people think. I personally would be surprised if it’s just four increases [in 2022].”

How would the financial markets react?