Fed Will Take EUR/USD Out Of Hibernation

 | Sep 26, 2018 08:57AM ET

The main currency pair is waiting for clues from the central bank.

The announcement of the results of the FOMC meeting, the presentation of the draft Italian budget and the release of data on European inflation for September – after a sluggish beginning to the week – the markets are waiting for an explosive ending. Each of the above events can seriously affect the alignment of forces in the EUR/USD. If the Fed is hawkish, if the euroskeptics don't take their cue from the EU, and lower the basic inflation in the eurozone is below 1%, the main currency pair will easily return to 1.15-1.16. On the contrary, Jerome Powell's dovish rhetoric, the leverage of the League and Five Star in Italy, and the growth of core CPI at 1.3-1.4% will throw the euro toward 1.19-1.2.

Given the strong second-third quarter statistics, the Fed is likely to raise its GDP forecast for 2018 from 2.8%. Nevertheless, the assessment of economic growth in 2019 can be reduced under the influence of trade wars. The probability of a change in the projected unemployment rate is high due to its current value of 3.9%. Investors will closely monitor the movement of Dot points. In June, eight FOMC representatives expected four federal funds rate increases, seven - three or less. Most likely, the doves will raise their estimates higher, which fully corresponds to the opinion of the futures market. It expects an 84% probability of monetary policy tightening in December. The growth of the index was the most important driver of the USD index rally, however, the implementation of the "Buy on rumors, sell on facts" principle forced speculators to take profits.

Dynamics Of The Fed Raising Rates