EUR/USD Forecast: Expected To Proceed Below 1.09609 And 1.09904 Levels

 | Mar 25, 2015 01:30AM ET

Good morning. Hope all is well. We seem to have had a good forecast for yesterday also with an 86% accuracy. Markets got rejected from most of our supply/demand zones. Both US dollar and Japanese yen were sidelined. Euro, New Zealand dollar and US dollar pairs are on our radar today on account of the fundamental watch. Both Japanese yen and euro could gather some steam through the day. Adding one hedged pair to offset the risk. Happy Trading!

Forecasts Outlook
US dollar: Strong

Today we're expecting the EUR/USD to proceed Short below the barrier levels of 1.09609 and 1.09904.

Fundamental Watch
– Trade Balance
– German Ifo Business Climate
– Core Durable Goods Orders m/m