EUR/USD: To Continue Long Above Barrier Levels Of 1.12930 And 1.13232

 | Feb 12, 2015 01:39AM ET

Good morning. Hope all is well. We have had a good forecast for yesterday with a 71% accuracy. On account of our fundamental watch we could be in for a volatile market as there are many fundamental news items due to come out through the course of the day. Currencies to pay special attention would be Australian dollar, euro, British pound and US dollar. We could be seeing a sidelined US dollar while Japanese yen may strengthen. Adding three hedged pairs to offset the risk. Happy Trading!

Forecasts Outlook
US dollar: Mixed Sentiments

Today we're expecting the EUR/USD to proceed Long above the barrier levels of 1.12930 and 1.13232.

Fundamental Watch
– Employment Change
– Unemployment Rate
– EU Economic Summit
– BOE Gov Carney Speaks
– BOE Inflation Report
– Core Retail Sales m/m
– Retail Sales m/m
– Unemployment Claims