EUR/USD Expected To Proceed Above 1.05581 And 1.95899 Levels

 | Apr 14, 2015 02:12AM ET

Good morning. Hope all is well. We seem to have had a really good forecast for yesterday with an almost 100% accuracy on direction. On GBP/USD market did violate our zone for a little while and move in the direction predicted. All in all a good forecast! British pound, New Zealand and US dollar pairs are on our watch list today on account of the fundamental watch. US dollar is proving a bit hard to read while Japanese yen may continue to gather some steam. Adding three hedged pairs to offset the risk. Happy Trading!

Forecasts Outlook
US dollar: Mixed Sentiments

Today we're expecting the EUR/USD to proceed Long above the barrier levels of 1.05581 and 1.05899.

Fundamental Watch
– NZIER Business Confidence
– CPI y/y
– Core Retail Sales m/m
– PPI m/m
– Retail Sales m/m