European Debt Contagion Grows

 | Dec 20, 2011 09:36AM ET


The Fed “Twist” remains in place, with the prospect for QE-3 ultimately coming to fruition as several top FOMC members want it. Now, the European debt contagion is growing, and the world economy is decelerating — including China. Collectively, given the bearish sentiment extant...this should have allowed for stocks to climb the Wall of Worry leading into Christmas — but it hasn’t...a distinct and material negative.

STRATEGY: Technically speaking, the S&P 500 remains above longterm support at the 45-mema at 1190; which is critical given it delineates bull & bear markets. However, major support at 1217 was given in bearish fashion, which supports a test of the 1190 level and perhaps breakdown in the weeks ahead. Our models have now turned lower in a bearish configuration, which means rallies are to be sold going forward.