Euro Under Pressure Despite Greek Deal

 | Jul 14, 2015 05:48AM ET

Market Brief

After a choppy Monday in the FX market, most currency pairs consolidated in the Asian session. A conditional deal has been reached between Greece and its creditors, allowing the cash-strapped nation to access €86bn of fresh bailout fund. However, there was no elation in both the stock and the FX markets as the level of uncertainty remains elevated. Alexis Tsipras, Greece’s Prime Minister, is expected to face tough political opposition as he will have to pass a new batch of economic reform, which are considered by many Greek parties as humiliating for the country. This morning, EUR/USD is edging slightly below the 1.10 threshold after having reached 1.12 the previous day as markets seem to believe that the concession Greece has to make are not sustainable over the long-term.