Euro Strong On Greek Optimism, Further Strength Ahead

 | Jul 13, 2015 05:22AM ET

The financial markets were rocked by the surprised result of the bailout referendum in Greece and stock market crash in China for the earlier part of last week. Yen surged sharply on risk aversion but pared back much gains after markets stabilized. Instead, Euro ended as the strongest major currency and later developments provided optimism that Greece will finally secure a bailout agreement with its creditors. Meanwhile, the Chinese stock markets also staged a strong rebound on Thursday and Friday on the government's rescue measures. Nonetheless, the Australian dollar extended the medium term down trend and ended as the weakest major currency on deteriorating outlook of its main trading partner China. Canadian dollar followed as the second weakest as crude oil gapped down the week and stayed weak. Sterling was the third weakest thanks to rebound in EUR/GBP. Dollar ended the week mixed.

Greece was once on the blink of exit from Eurozone as more than 60% voters said "no" to austerity measures that are required for the bailout aid from creditors. But later in the week, Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras sent a letter to European creditors requesting a three year bailout, followed by a detailed 13 page proposals with terms meeting much of the requirements. On Saturday, Tsipras won backing from the parliament for the reforms he proposed. The European Commission, ECB and IMF also sounded positive by telling Eurozone governments that, after a review of the proposals, they were of sufficient basis to start negotiation conditional loans. Now, it's the turn for EU leaders to decide on the bailout on Sunday in another crisis summit and it looks positive that an agrement would finally be reached.

Judging from investors response to the German DAX index, sentiments were positive towards the Greece situation. DAX initial dipped to 10652.79 but then rebounded strongly to close at 1315.63, slightly above the 55 days EMA. There are a few points to note. Firstly, the structure of the fall from 12390.75 was clearly corrective. Secondly, the index was held well above 50% retracement of 8354.96 to 12390.75 at 10372.86, which was not bad for a correction. Thirdly, there is mild bullish convergence condition in daily MACD. Fourthly, the index also bounced from 55 weeks EMA, which is at 10625.46. So technically, the development is supporting a stronger rise in DAX this week and a break of 11635.85 would pave the way back to 12390.75 high. Such development would likely provide some support to Euro, at least in crosses against Sterling and yen.