14 Charts Showing Technicals Signaled Energy Complex Deflation

 | Mar 09, 2020 06:24AM ET

Last week I said I'd take an in-depth look at the energy complex . If there is one sector that could define the possible deflationary event we’ve been discussing for the last several months or so, oilis probably the most important commodity of all. Eventually, should it occur, we’ll know the cause in no uncertain terms, but the charts have been suggesting for a long time now that something is afoot and we need to pay attention.

Letsstart by looking at the United States Natural Gas Fund, (NYSE:UNG), the natural gas ETF. It has been leading the way lower. This first chart is a 10-month daily look which shows a 6 point diamond consolidation pattern that, at the time of its development I thought would probably be a reversal pattern to the upside, since the price for natural gas was already so low.

I usually try to take one position on the initial breakout and a second position on the backtest. I missed the initial breakout and the backtest failed to reach the bottom rail of the diamond so I never got positioned. The other important feature on this chart is the blue bearish falling wedge which we know shows up in fast moving impulse moves.