Emerging Opportunity Over Gold

 | Oct 20, 2017 08:32AM ET

When it comes to gold, people do some crazy things. Take the Sultan of Brunei who has a gold-plated aircraft with gold-plated seats. You don’t have to be filthy rich to to do stupid things with gold, though. We put it in alcohol, on our teeth, and it has been a staple in jewelry forever. Investors get crazy about gold, too. Gold coins, gold bars, pundits pitching their gold investment funds, the craziness doesn't stop.

I like to look at gold a bit differently, as a tool for capital management. A place to put money when it is going up and watch as it falls. It also can tell a story relative to other alternatives for your capital. One that looks interesting now is Emerging Market equities. The ratio of the Emerging-Market ETF (NYSE:EEM) to the gold ETF (NYSE:GLD) below shows the story.