Cryptos And U.S. Stocks: Investors Seeking Extra Risk

 | May 21, 2018 05:41AM ET

Crypto critics and skeptics often like to point out the high use of energy that is consumed by the Bitcoin network. Most proponents, including myself, regularly refute these claims as simply being the cost of doing business.

The video I'm about to show you isn't new but it's something that I saw for the first time today and it blew my mind.

Andreas Antonopoulos is arguably one of Bitcoin's most recognized names. In this clip , Andreas responds to the question of energy consumption in a rather unique way.

Not only does he make a comparison between the energy consumption of traditional means of payment but he also explains that the energy arbitrage that is being committed by the Bitcoin network is arguably the most efficient use of surplus energy that might otherwise go to waste.

No doubt, if more and more cryptocurrencies tried to adopt the Proof of Work, mining protocol it could be wasteful, but Andreas believes that at least one is, in fact, necessary in order to maintain the exceptional security of all cryptocurrencies.

Today's Highlights

Trade War On Hold

Efficiency in Oil

Ready for Risk

Please note: All data, figures & graphs are valid as of May 21st. All trading carries risk. Only risk capital you can afford to lose.

Traditional Markets

The US Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin has announced over the weekend that the trade war between the United States and China is officially on hold.

Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Mnuchin outlined the framework under which the de-escalation is taking place as well as explaining what happened with ZTE (HK:0763) and why. Arguably, not a very forthcoming explanation, but that's probably as good as we're going to get.

Markets, on the other hand, do not seem to be on hold. Nor are they showing any real signs of relaxation following Mnuchin's announcement. The most notable move, of course, is the US Dollar, which is flying this morning.

The purple circle here is the weekend gap...